Reconnect • Nurture • Bloom

The Way of Nature is an invitation to rediscover your own, unique inner nature, to reconnect with your body and move towards wholeness.


Your peaceful oasis for every day

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  • I loved my massage with Krisi. Her presence and touch felt super safe for me. She was acutely attuned to my body and often checked in with my needs. I could just let go and allow her to work the nooks and crannies of my body. Towards the end, out of nowhere, I just burst into laughter, a deep, belly, joyful laughter. Going through some tough times, I haven't laughed like this for some years now.. I feel very grateful for the safe, nurturing, and skillful support from Krisi. That night, I fell asleep peacefully, without my usual need to use my phone.

    Stanislava Grueva
  • I came to Kristina for a Thai massage and it was amazing! Her hands are amazing and very knowledgeable and besides that, she knows how to make a safe environment, so the body can release what it wants. I usually don't like to cry in front of others, but in Kristina's care I didn't even think about feeling ashamed. I came out feeling rejuvenated, thank you for your care Kristina 💜

    A. K.
  • The facial treatments are so relaxing that time flies by. I was amazed to see a clear difference after just a single session - my skin felt more full and alive. The experience is so wonderful that I always wish it could last longer.

  • Having naturally tight muscles, I appreciate how Kristina expertly adjusts the pressure to exactly what my body needs. She's very intuitive and skilled at finding the right balance. Deep breathing helps me ease into the stretches, and after each session I feel wonderfully lighter, more at ease, and experience a refreshing sensation like a mint breeze flowing through my body.


Meet your therapist

Hello dear,

My commitment to you is providing a safe space where you can let your body rest deeply and rejuvenate.

My biggest passions are holistic health, somatic practices for achieving wholeness and the power of plants.

~ Kristina